Hello internet!

2:50 PM

Creeper Lamp Gonna Creep

This week's lunch crunch challenge was to recreate an object to your left as a character. I have a big LED desk lamp to my left at work so I chose that. I kind've jumped into rendering it without much thought yet how it could be a character. 

About halfway through I felt like the perspective was really wonky so I repositioned the light a little. In hindsight I think that hurt the composition because it's harder to tell what it is in the new position. Oh well need to pay more attention to that next time. In the end I thought it would be funny if it had a teeny little face on the hinge that looked like it's sticking out it's tongue and chilling.

Since I finished this one a little early I took a crack at another object this time from Cesar's desk:

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9:26 PM

Dr. Cole, Medieval Medicine Woman
This week's lunch crunch theme was "main character (or villain) of the last film you saw/book you read as the opposite gender". This was tricky because I just saw "Magic Mike" and I really didn't want to make a female Channing Tatum, so I went with the other movie I recently saw "The Physician".

I think I should have added more scars, no teeth and *at least* one eye patch to make this more authentic to medieval times though, right?

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11:32 PM

Swift's First Ride

Last week's lunch crunch art challenge was "Cartoons from your childhood". I picked David the Gnome and created a young Swift as his trusty companion. I used several reference photos of foxes and really liked the lighting in one of them so I based the colors off that. Painting the hair was a bit of a mess but favorite part was actually the stubby hand I painted towards the end. I kind've wanted to keep his eyes wall eyed but I thought it might look like a mistake so I corrected them for the final. Slitzweitz!

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12:05 AM

Fear is the path

This week's lunch crunch art challenge was "Star Wars" and/or "Game of Thrones". I found some photos of actress Natalie Dormer with a half-shaved hair cut that looked pretty fun to use so I turned Margaery Tyrell into a Sith villainess.

I wanted to practice line work at first but struggled with many wrinkles and rough lines so I moved onto color to fix those. The warp tool in Photoshop came in handy to fix the perspective of her face after I remembered to flip the canvas horizontally and noticed some issues.

Ran out of time on the hair and outfit but tried to tie everything together with the light saber, background and text.
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11:54 AM

Einstein was kind've a jerk

This week's lunch crunch art theme is "Einstein as a Barbarian". I teamed up with the illustrious Cesar Kobashikawa to share his calligraphy goodness with my irresponsible painting.
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